Weight Loss Guru

Side Effects

Side Effects of Weight Loss Drugs:

     Diet and weight loss pills are dangerous for our health. They affect blood pressure, metabolism and the heart. Most diet and weight loss pills (regardless of their success) have unpleasant side effects, create drug-dependency and interfere with other medications. Generally, these medications are only really designed for obesity control where the advantage of losing weight outweighs the disadvantage of side effects. They are supposed to be used as a short-term diet aid for severely overweight dieters. And one always needs to remember that nearly all clinical trials of diet and weight loss pills show that weight loss drug therapy is only effective when it is a combined part of a comprehensive weight management program of diet, exercise and weight loss support.

     The side effects of diet and weight loss drugs vary upon any individual. They will vary according to the individual's health, their lifestyle (including diet), the type of diet drug, whether it is taken with another weight loss pill, and other factors. The length that someone uses the weight loss pills or diet supplements is another important factor.
Side effects of diet pills can be unpleasant, harmful or even life-threatening.

     If you want to take diet pills or supplements it is important that you consult your doctor before buying them. There is a lack of testing and regulation on diet pills and their side-effects. Also, many over-the-counter weight loss and diet pills are useless, or dangerous, or both.

     Diet pills, both over-the-counter and prescription, (as recommended, continuously, or in excess) can cause the following:

- nervousness,
- restlessness,
- insomnia,
- high blood pressure,
- fatigue and hyperactivity,
- heart arrhythmias and palpitations,
- congestive heart failure or heart attack,
- stroke,
- headaches,
- dry mouth,
- vomiting and diarrhea or constipation,
- intestinal disturbances,
- tightness in chest,
- tingling in extremities,
- excessive perspiration,
- dizziness,
- disruption in menstrual cycle,
- change in libido,
- hair loss,
- blurred vision,
- fever and urinary tract problems

     Overdoses can cause tremors, confusion, hallucinations, shallow breathing, renal failure, heart attack and convulsions.

Side Effects of Appetite Suppressants

     One of the side effects of appetite suppressant weight loss pills is drug dependency and withdrawal. It is possible to become dependent on appetite suppressants. Signs of dependency include:

* A strong desire to continue taking the diet drug, even when it's effects fade
* A need to increase the dose to boost the effects of the appetite suppressant drug.

Withdrawal Side Effects

These include:

- Noticeable mood swings.
- Hyper-activity.
- Insomnia and nightmares.
- Stomach Cramps or Pain.
- Severe irritability.
- Listlessness or extreme fatigue.
- Depression.
- Nausea, even vomiting.
- Trembling.

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